Showing posts with label travel apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel apps. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Marble Mountains: a revered site definitely worth a visit, in Da Nang, Vietnam

View from Marble Mountains
The marble mountains are a collection of 5 limestone mountains in Da Nang area, which is otherwise flat. These mountains are full of caves, and now these have been organized and made accessible. There’s a lift that goes to the first level (chargeable) , beyond which there are staircases to the various parts of the mountains.

There are 5 “karsts”- mountains- named after each of the 5 elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth. Over the years, Cham culture made the marble mountains a revered site in Vietnam, and several Vietnamese emperors also visited these mountains, giving it a special place in the culture of the country.

Huyen Khong Grotto
The highlights of the marble mountains are the caves, and the pagodas and temples hidden in thick foliage, and beautifully maintained as well. The largest cave that must be seen is after a long staircase, called Huyen Khong. 

This is a dramatically large cave, housing one huge buddha on a pedestal (see photo), and two smaller shrines on two sides. It’s a cool, quiet place. This cave at one time also housed the Vietnamese revolutionaries during that conflict, leading to bombing that left openings in the vast high roof (see photo).  The entrance is guarded by two warriors statues.

The other grotto is called Tang Chon, on water mountain, and which has a beautiful lady Buddha statue (see photo). Elsewhere on the marble mountains, there’s the beautiful Tam Thai Pagoda with a nice laughing buddha in the forecourt. 

The other nice temple not to be missed is the Linh Ung Pagoda (see photo). And down the walk from this Pagoda is the tall Xa Loi Tower, which has 200 Bodhisatva statues.

Just going around in this area gives peace of mind. Its quiet, wooded, and when we went, in December, drizzling and cool, though could become humid fairly quickly. 

The Marble mountains also have a lot of stonework shops around the base, with large statues of various deities and Lady Buddha.

The marble mountains are a must visit when in Da Nang. Quite easy to reach and can easily spend 2 hours there. Just time it right ( early morning or later towards evening). 
Lady Buddha
The marble mountains open at 7am (best time to visit) and close at 530pm. The entry fees are not too high- 40,000 Dong, and 15,000 Dong for the lift (about INR 186 per head).
We reached about 3pm and left at 530pm, and went off to Hoi Ann the same evening.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Da Nang- historic center of Vietnam

Beach front , Da Nang , Dec 2022
Our next stop from Hanoi, a 1 hour flight from HaNoi , was Da Nang. This is a beach side city in the center of Vietnam, with a distinctly different weather than Hanoi, which is the far north, and has a distinctly colder feel to it. That said, Da Nang is the closest an Indian can get to Goa in Vietnam. The beach is long and wide and clean, bordered by a road like Marine Drive of Mumbai, and beyond which the skyscraper hotels have sprung up.

Our hotel was in one of those series, the Radisson blu. There’s the option of staying near the beach, or near the river with a view of the Dragon Bridge. We chose the beach.

Da Nang is famous for the Hue-Da Nang campaign, when the PAVN (People’s army of Vietnam/ North Vietnam) attacked these two cities and area to take them over on March 5, 1975. The campaign ended with a victory for PAVN by April 2, 1975. Another slice of history is that on March 8, 1965, units of the US army landed at Da Nang ostensibly to defend the airbase there, but that marked the start of active US involvement in the Vietnam conflict.

That was of course part of the history of Vietnam. Today, Da Nang is a modern city, with all the trappings thereof. It’s the largest city in central Vietnam, and a big port and commercial center.

Da Nang, looking out at the Lady Buddha ,
Linh Ung Pagoda, Son Tra Peninsula
You visit Da Nang for several attractions. Hue, the ancient imperial capital of Vietnam (1802-1945), lies about 90 km to the north of Da Nang, and it’s a nice day trip clubbed with the Tomb of  Khai Din and the Thien Mu Pagdoa. (each will be covered in subsequent posts).

Another attraction is Hoi Ann, a very beautiful and well-preserved ancient village is about 20km to the south. Another attraction, which we decided not to visit, is the Ba Na hills, which is a large amusement park reached by two cable car journeys, and at which you can walk on the famous “Golden Bridge”, so often shown when you look for Da Nang.

A great attraction not to be missed are the Marble Mountains, a series of 3 mountains in an area which otherwise is flat. These are several caves and temples which are inside the mountains, reached by a series of staircases. Nice place to take a stroll around and see the surroundings.

The Dragon Bridge, Da Nang
Along the way south to Hoi Ann, you can see a series of empty shells of hotels and casinos which were started to cash in on the tourism boom planned but got derailed in the covid years. When we visited this area in December 2022, there was a whole series of hotels under construction and incomplete.

The Dragon Bridge is another sight, a bridge in the shape of a dragon. Every night at 9pm there's a fire works and light show which attracts large crowds. You can see it from the road, or from a boat ( for a price). Its a well marketed attraction, like Hoi Ann and The Golden Bridge. But an undiscovered gem still remains Hue and its surrounding areas. Dont miss it when in Da Nang. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Half and half make more than one!- Vietnam travel

An interesting aspect we noticed in Hanoi. We went for lunch at a Japanese restaurant in the Lotte Center in Hanoi; mostly pizzas are shared , or by slice ( there was an exception to this that we got in Switzerland- but later on that). This time, there was an option to make a full dish with two half pizza of different types. That was good - allowed us to try two options in one dish! Wish more restaurants do this. 

As far as the Switzerland issue goes, in Zermatt, the restaurant near the railway station made a pointed statement to us " no sharing". That may be the culture there, we don't know, as we wouldn't be there long enough, but that left a rough edge to an otherwise nice trip. 

The saddest part is the service charge of Euro 2 for serving tap water. On inquiry, we were told that it costs that much for the server to serve the water, which is essentially free from the tap (and not bottled which I understand would have a cost). This is such a contrast from India, which is supposed to be a poor country, where even the smallest restaurant or roadside eatery will serve water glasses for free. Something to understand, when we tend to play down India or play up the first world! 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Tran Quoc Pagoda - Hanoi , Vietnam: Beautiful and peaceful.

Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hanoi 
The Tran Quoc Pagoda is one of the oldest ones in Vietnam, today placed on a small peninsula on the lake called West Lake. 

This Pagoda was made around 541 AD- that makes it over 1500 years old, and witness to many of Vietnam’s cultural and evolutionary landmarks.

Tran Quoc Pagoda was originally on the banks of the Red River, but was moved to this place after the dyke there collapsed. The words Tran Quoc means “national defense” – clearly the hope was that this pagoda would protect the people and bring happiness and peace to the people of Vietnam.

Buddha statues on very floor

The most interesting part of this heritage site is the 11-story pagoda, a red-brown stupa structure that you can’t miss. Each floor has distinct Buddha statues. People place offerings, much like we do in India, for blessings.

There are also several other places worth seeing here. One of the incenses burning house, where visitors can burn incense for health and good luck. The Stele House houses poetry of scholars of old. And of course, don’t miss the Bodhi Tree, which was a gift from the late President of India, Rajendra Prasad when he visited Vietnam in 1959. It is said to be extracted from the Bodh Gaya tree, and today it’s a nice peaceful site.

Overall, this is a nice place to visit. ( no entry fee). It’s calm and peaceful (on most days), and its easy to reach from the city; we took an uber back to the Tha Long Water Puppet show from here.

For more pictures of Tran Quoc, and our Vietnam trip, please visit my instagram handle (sjbaxi). 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A day trip in Ha Long Bay– Vietnam Travel

Islands in Ha Long Bay
Once on the waters of Ha Long Bay, it was a great day. The knifing cold wind notwithstanding, the voyage on the boat was nice. Although it was grey day in winter, it was sufficiently clear to see the green waters. On a clear summer day, the water would have really been a magnificent shade of green.

Typically, a day cruise covers Ti Top Island, Tunnel cave and Sung Sot (Surprise) Cave, before heading back to Tuan Chau marina, from where all cruises start. 

There’s lunch on the boat, which we found quite good in its quality and variety, especially the vegetarian dishes (rice, noodles, dimsum).

The famous "kissing Rocks" 

Ti Top Island

Ti Top Island is a sort of staging point on the cruise. It was so named because of a visit by a USSR cosmonaut Gherman Titov back in 1962, but otherwise earlier it was named after sailors who had perished in a shipwreck in the Ha Long Bay in 1905. The statue on the island is of Gherman Titov. 

Ti Top Island

The island is steep wooded on one side and a slope going down to a beach on the other side. This seems to be man-made beach (quite neat and clean) nice enough for a swim if you planned for it; else you could climb the many steps to the top of the island and have a look around the bay. We climbed halfway to a stage, and got a view, but most people take a quick walk up. Takes about 20 minutes, but we weren’t the heavy outdoorsy type. 

People were also kayaking, and we understand you could also do some paragliding- check with your cruise operator, or the people on the island. 

Luon Cave entrance 
There’s a smallish restaurant and a rooftop where you could lounge around as well. The bathrooms were clean enough- just don’t expect 5-star cleanliness as there are simply too many visitors to the island.
Beach on Ti Top Island

Luon Cave

Leaving Ti Top, the next stop is an island formation with a secluded cove called Luon Cave, reachable thru a tunnel that’s got carved in the side of the island. You get transferred to a smaller boat which takes you into the tunnel and into the cove inside the island. 

A short scenic ride in a small boat with travelers wearing life vests. You could kayak thru the cave as well. This cave entrance must have been carved by years of erosion from the sea (see the photos).All in all, quite a neat nice excursion.

Sung Sot Island - Surprise Cave

This was the really surprising part of the trip. From outside, its just one of the many islands in Ha Long bay, but climb up on the steps and enter the cave, and its gigantic within. Its apparently called Surprise cave because the French who discovered it were surprised by the sheer size and scale of it. In the local language, its called Sung Sot Cave. 

The soaring ceiling of "Surprise Cave" 

The steps are many, and go thru the grotto and up and down thru the mountain, finally descending to sea level after about a half hour walk. Its not very easy, but there are more steps than slopes, so those with knee or heart issues may well be advised to skip this part.

But important notice! The boat that brings you to the Sung Sot cave does not wait there- it leaves after dropping off the passengers and goes to the other side of the island where the exit of the cave is. So if you don’t want to visit the cave, do NOT leave the boat! The cruise operator does tell you this, but many people miss it. Be careful!

It’s a very huge place with water streams, green- and brown-coloured stones and pathways and a lot of Stalactites (caused by water dripping from the roof of the grotto). Theres also many stalagmites there, as the water keeps dripping onto a place and the minerals harden over time. Makes for dramatic landscapes and arches all over, highlighted by strategically placed lights.

Stalactites in "Surprise Cave" 

Its worth a quick walk thru, if your health permits. Do note: you must be aware that this part of the trip can be difficult if have ailments.

There are other tours also- some with overnight stay on the cruise ships; some on hotels on the mainland, and some with more activities. But the one we took was just right without getting tiresome or boring. 

View from the exit of "Surprise Cave"

Of course, the weather was great, and that helped. The tour organization was perfectly fine as well, with good buses, ships and food. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

The coffee of Vietnam – Iced coffee, egg coffee and the cafes!

Giang Cafe, Hanoi 
Vietnam is famous for its various types of coffee, and the country has successfully cultivated the industry and imagery for a connoisseur of coffee. This is in spite of the fact that Vietnamese coffee we found tended to be more bitter and dense than the usual, and quite often was a cultivated taste. However, there’s a lot of variety in it, and its become quite well accepted. Accordingly, we also decided to take a “coffee run” in Hanoi to see what it was all about.

The most prominent brand that we saw everywhere was actually Highlands coffee, similar to Café Coffee Day in India, or like Starbucks. It has its own coffee farms and brands, and runs cafés, which we found practically where in Vietnamese cities, like Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC).

Iced Coffee, Hanoi 

Egg Coffee, Giang Cafe

There were a few things right off the bat. First was the egg coffee, which we tried at Giang Coffee (see picture). This is an old place, on the first floor and not very attractive at first look- full of stools and low tables and nooks and crannies, but it was well frequented and did not give any negative vibes. Its also in the old quarter and is famous for the thick coffee with egg yolk, Robusta Beans, condensed milk and sugar. A thick concoction (see photo). It’s a cultivated taste, for sure. And unique- a good experience.

The other thing was the Vietnamese iced coffee which we had at a place called Kafa (see photo). This is made by letting coffee drip thru a filter into a glass of condensed milk and ice ,and the flavours of condensed milk and bitter coffee make for a unique brew! This is widely available as well.

Our coffee run went from The Giang, to Highlands ( near the Tha Long Water Puppet theatre) , to Kafa and Trung, typical Hanoi places around the old quarter. Not many tourists when we were there but a lot of young people. Good cool vibes around the place.

When in Vietnam, don’t forget to try the coffee. It is a different taste and style than what we see perhaps in India or western countries, and which has now become a USP for Vietnam itself.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Hotel Review: The Tirant, Hanoi - Good hotel in a great location

The Tirant Hotel (pronounced "Tai-Rang") in the Gia Ngu Street,
also came recommended thru Club7Holidays. It was in the old quarter, very close to the Water Puppet show Theatre and right in the center of shops and coffee cafes, for which Hanoi is famous.

From the outside, the hotel and its sister hotel (Rex) are cheek and jowl with other buildings and a host of cars and retailers all around. Looks very much like Mumbai or Delhi, especially Delhi with its buildings with common walls everywhere between residences. But that’s the charm of many of these cities in Asia- so alive and vibrant, so tightly integrated and inter dependent. Very familiar to most Asians (especially Indians) and very exotic for the western world.

The lobby 
The Tirant was well done up inside. Quick check-in and well-appointed  room ( though it was a bit tight for three beds), but that wasn’t a major issue. The bathroom was quite large after the one in Siem Reap, and overall, it was a slick, modern hotel -quite surprising to many if they form an opinion of the surroundings of the hotel.

Breakfast was, as we had come to expect in Indochina, not very hep- but much better in its mix ( noodles / eggs/ breads etc). Its too much to expect completely standardized food but a judicious mix of International and local would be expected and welcome.  As good, seasoned travelers, we did carry our own food when the local cuisines got a tad too much, but that’s a personal preference.

Double room with extra bed
There were some key aspects we liked our choice finally. One, it was in the heart of the old quarter, the really original Hanoi, which we tend to see in all the pictures of the city. Full of souvenir shops at every corner. Two, very close to the Ho Hoan Kiem (lake) with its Confucius temple with a leafy nice walkway around it; three, walking distance from the Tha Long Water Puppet Theatre, of the really unique highlights of Hanoi ( more on these later), and four, absolute walking distances from several coffee cafes- Highlands, Giang for its egg coffee, The Note, Trung Coffee, Kafa, a hole in the wall cafe, and Timeline Coffee. There are many others. Vietnam is famous for its variety of coffee. Fifth, all buses for Ha Long Bay pass by this hotel and pick up / drop off within 100 meters of the hotel door. Uber is easily found, and they know the hotel as well. And of course, should you need Vietnamese Dong, there’s one of the many money changers right opposite the door of the hotel.

Clearly, this area -the old quarter has started getting“touristified” but its up to the visitor to be curious and absorb the culture and sensations. 

The Hanoi skyline

If you stay there, don’t forget to visit the rooftop restaurant. Beautiful airy place, with great views of Hanoi all around (see pictures). Unfortunately, it was simply too cold and windy in December to enjoy the outdoors, but it was nice nevertheless.

View from Tirant roof top of lake 

All said and done, The Tirant was a good choice, great location and for the brief 2 days we were in Hanoi, very enjoyable. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Business of Tourism : Indian Travel industry poised to boom!

India's second largest Online Travel Agent (OTA), EaseMytrip ( put out some interesting data points in its investor presentation May 24 2024.  

Source : Easemytrip investor ppt, slide 21, May 24 2025

Briefly, it shows how India , and Indian travelers are set to be key drivers of domestic and international tourism. 

The INR values themselves for the overall travel market are growing well : from INR 27,700crore in 2023Estimated to INR 40,400 crore Estimated in 2027. Within that number, air travel is estimated at 15% growth, on the back of new airports, planes, and generally better affordability. 

The key is the online market, whose spread, availability and convenience has impacts on many industries, not least travel itself which it will facilitate growing. Its expected to go from INR 18500 crore to INR 29800 crore from 2023 to 2027 E. That's massive growth, underlined by hotels, transport, F&B. It also suggests a strategy marketing - almost every travel player has migrated big time from print ( at one time the primary medium for advertising) to digital, since the chain from idea to execution is seamless and information for the same is easily available real time. 

These numbers also show international players like airlines and tourism boards an early glimpse of the future. 

There were 22.6 million Indian Nationals Departures (IND) as per the ministry of tourism, and 98% went by air. These are good numbers for a tourism destination, and the growth of internet, affordability, smart phones and easier visa regimes can only drive more growth.

Interestingly, Easemytrip said in their analyst call on May 24 2024 that they have adopted 4 heritage  landmarks for maintenance under the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) Adopt a Heritage 2.0 program: The Qutub Minar,  Delhi; The Konark Sun temple, Agra Fort, and Western group of temples in Khajuraho. Totally, these get over 6 mn visitors annually, not a bad OTS ( Opportunity to see), and may be even get business! 

The other aspect they seem to be doing is to train over 1.8 cr didis (women) in rural areas to use the app and book tickets. Even if 10% of these start using it regularly, it will open up a flood of travel bookings. 

Hopefully, the company will follow thru on these, and not just see it as PR; should be interesting to see if they declare progress on these in future investor calls. 

Ignore India at your own peril! 

Bakong Temple : one of the earliest in Angkor

Bakong Temple, Rolous Group

The Bakong temple is the Roulos Group, about 13-14 km from Siem Reap, and is generally covered as part of the day trip of Bantaey Srei (about 30 km away) and the group of temples called Rolous. These temples are the Bakong, Lolei,and Preah Ko and Prasat Prei Monti.

The Bakong is actually  one of the earliest temples made by the Khmer empire, about 1600 years ago (apparently the first temple ever made was Preah Ko, which is also visited as part of this tour).

Bakong temple is a “stepped pyramid” (see picture), and was the state temple of the city of Hariharalaya, established by the first king of Angkor, Jayavarman II. But later the capital of the empire moved to Angkor, leaving this site on the sidelines but not entirely abandoned. 

The temple is a nice, quiet place (when we visited, we were the only people there).This temple was also reconstructed using anastylosis method (as was done in The Baphuon as well, in Angkor Thom).  Don’t miss the lions that guard the entry, and the huge trees around the moat. Climb to the first level ( the stairs are a bit steep, as usual), and check out the elephants and lions at the corners.

The key aspect is the top spire looks like the Angkor temples, while the rest of the temple is a different style. The access road goes almost till the moat, making this temple one of the easier ones to visit by car.

The Rolous Group + Bantaey Srei is a very nice day trip from Siem Reap. The temples are clean and cleared, and its worth just wandering around in the silence and ever-advancing jungle, knowing that its ready to reclaim everything given the chance! These temples are also part of the three day ticket for US$67 per head. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Bayon Temple : Enigmatic and dramatic centre piece of a vanished empire


The Bayon temple , Angkor 

The Bayon Temple sits at the center of the city of Angkor Thom and is every bit as impressive as Angkor Wat.  This is a must visit site when travel to Angkor. Its part of the Angkor Thom complex, which as I had mentioned in an earlier post, is the fortified city , and holds several of the main temples of the Angkor. This temple is part of the "small circle" tour. 

Do note that Angkor Wat, the main temple of the Khmer empire, is actually outside the walls of Angkor Thom. This city is itself surrouded by a moat, and crossed by five gates ( the gates of the victorious and and the gate of the dead are part of these five). 

This Bayon temple is famous for many reasons. Firstly, there is no clear knowledge as to why it’s called “Bayon”. The French explorers apparently heard this name from the locals in the early 20th century when the discovery of Angkor was underway. Literature suggests it could mean “pedestal for sacred statues” (

The temple is built on three levels, to represent Mt Meru, There certainly are many “faces” in the temple, all show enigmatic smiles. These face-towers are on the inner most, or third level of the temple, and today only 37 out of the original 49 face-towers apparently exist (as heard from the guide). These faces, with eyes open, elaborate head dress, and broad smiles, could well represent The Buddha, or Brahma, and remain the source of much debate and discussion even today. Be that as it may, this is a sight to see. Really massive, and intricate.

It’s also generally considered one of the only Buddhist temples in Angkor, which was a Hindu site, and one the largest and last temples to be made. It was the centre piece of the royalty, the state temple as it were.  By the 12th century, the prevailing religious belief was Buddhism ( King Javavarman VII), around which time this temple could have been completed.

Its walls depict many of the daily lives of Cambodia/ Khmer in the 12th and 13th centuries as well as depictions of the Angkor wars with the Chams.

Overall, this site inspires awe and reverence for the scale, and skill of the builders. A glimpse into the distant past. This temple is over 1000 years old. We must appreciate the time frame. Much of what we see, experience and use today did not exist when this monumental temple was already at its peak!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Business of Tourism : Travel apps need to better their game ! ( Deceptive Patterns research by Conscious Patterns , August 2024)

ASCI Academy (Advertising and Standards Council of India) and Parallel (a product design studio in Bengaluru) came up with some very interesting research on apps and their trade practices in August 2024. 

They studied 9 industries, 12000 screens and 53 apps. One of the industries, of our interest here, is also travel. They defined and studied 12 “deceptive patterns” – practices designed to get users to undertake actions or data processing that they did not intend. 

Travel apps used 9 out of 12 "deceptive patterns" . This is important to understand , because these apps are actually very useful and have become defacto go-to gateways for travel, tourism, holidays and transport. 

Even more crucial to note as ASCI -Parallel do in their research paper -  over 751 million users are online in India, and quite unknowingly, share massive data with anyone who asks!

What are these Deceptive Patterns? Very interesting definitions, and in many cases, are very intuitive too. We have all experienced these at one time or another, on apps and websites.

Deceptive patterns defined:

  • 1.     Privacy deception:  getting you to share more info that is needed or intended.  (79% use this)
  • 2.      Interface interference: highlighting some interface only, misdirection. (45%)
  • 3.      Drip pricing: revealing additional fees slowly thru the process (43%)
  • 4.      False urgency: creating artificial pressure of FOMO (32%)
  • 5.      Nagging: constant pop ups (15%)
  • 6.      Bait and switch – advertise something, serve something else. (13%)
  • 7.      Basket Sneaking – add unwanted costs (donations etc)  (13%)
  • 8.      Forced action – force users to do an action (make accounts etc) (11%)
  • 9.      Confirm sharing – use social pressure to complete an action ( 8%)
  • 10  Subscription trap -make cancellation difficult of a subscription (2% )
  • 11. Trick question – vague language (2%)
  • 12 .Disguised ads – blend with editorial (0%).

They surveyed 53 apps. This is the summary:

  • 1.      52 out of 53 apps exhibited at least one deceptive patterns (“DP”).
  • 2.      90% of apps showed between 1-4 DP.
  • 3.      On an average, there were 2.7 DP per app.
  • 4.      One app, had as many as 23 DP instances!
  • 5.      Privacy deception accounted for 24% of total occurrences
  • 6.      79% of all apps showed privacy deception. They really want your data!
  • 7.      The travel apps use 9 out of 12 deceptive patterns – that’s a lot !
  • 8.      Delivery and logistics used 8- very close behind.
  • 9.      All 9 ecommerce apps made it very difficult to delete your account.

Travel apps use many deceptive patterns

One of the many industries they surveyed was travel and tourism. In this, they checked the apps of the leading players – EasemyTrip, Agoda, goibibo, yatra, makemytrip, cleartrip, redbus, and

The list of DP that the travel trade uses, is not surprising, when you sit back and think- almost every DP is used in some manner or intensity. Eg- just a few that we all can relate to:

1.      Drip pricing (33% of all apps studied) – add on costs till final cost is something else !

2.      Confirm sharing – pressurize to get advantage of some deal at a point in the booking.

3.      Nagging – pop ups keep pressurizing you to take an action .

 These practices essentially underline the importance of data- the new black gold! Data like this allows targeted marketing and selling, reduces marketing and sales costs, and potentially provides a database for cross selling. Its inevitable that some data needs to shared to use services- just be aware of what exactly needs to be shared! 

After all, caveat emptor! 

Read the research on :