Monday, August 5, 2024

The Baphuon Temple : inspiring story of skill, persistence and passion!

The Baphuon Temple, Angkor Thom

Just close by to The Bayon, is another interesting temple, the Baphuon. This is just behind the terrace of the elephants and the leper king, and is worth a visit, for its sheer size, and its history. This temple is part of the Small Circle circuit.

The Baphuon is a very old temple, dated by some experts to around 1000 CE (nearly 1400 years old at this point). This temple is a three -tiered temple.  The unique part is not just the scale of the temple, but that it was reconstructed entirely by first dismantling the temple, and then reconstructing it, a process called anastylosis. The workers had labelled all the thousands of parts carefully but had to abandon the work in 1970 during the Khmer Rouge era.

The temple reconstruction was revived from 1996 under Pascal Royere and was widely called the “largest 3 D jigsaw puzzle in the world”. It was finally reconstructed fully in April 2011, after 51 years of work!

The temple has tremendously steep stairs, and not for the weak hearted! When we visited it, there weren’t many tourists. We went to the first level, as the stairs are quite hard to climb. But this temple is worth a visit for the efforts to reconstruct it, for the many people who worked so skillfully and tirelessly to bring it back to life!

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