Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Small Circle Tour (Angkor Archaeological Park)


The "small circle" tour 
maps : google maps 
The temples in the "small circle tour" are Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom complex, Ta Keo, Ta Prohm, Beanteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan Temple. (see map).

The term small circle can be misleading to say it covers just 6 temples. Actually it covers a large area with all the major sites. 

The Angkor Wat complex itself takes 3 hours if you really want to enjoy it starting from the sunrise. 

Angkor Thom is an enclosed city area with its five gates, and the massive temple of Bayon in the centre. Apart from the Bayon, The Terrace of the Leper King, and Terrace of the Elephants,and  Baphuon temple and all near Bayon. 

Angkor Wat is situated outside the Angkor Thom complex.

The famous, and breathtaking temple of Ta Prohm (made famous by the Lara Croft Tomb Raider movie) is between Angkor Wat and Bayon.  Don't miss Ta Prohm! 

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