Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Rolous Group Tour (Angkor Archaeological Park)


The Rolous Group of 3 temples 
map from google maps

The Rolous Group Tour-3 temples

These are Bakong, Preah Ko and Lolie Temple. (See map).

This group of temples is a little off the rest of the temples, and you need a vehicle to reach them. But each of these are starkly different from the small circle and big circle temples.

Bakong claim to fame is the it was the first temple mountain design made by the Khmer Kings near today's Siem Reap. It was the state temple of the city called Hariharalaya, in the area called Rolous. Hence the name " Rolous Group of temples." 

Preah Ko means the sacred bull, and is over 1200 years old. Three Nandi statues face the temple structures, hence the name, 

The third temple of this tour is the Lolei Temple, This is the third and last temple made around 893 AD. There are four temples on a sandstone platform, and at one time apparently this temple was surrounded by water. Quite a nice place. 

The google map shot is of a larger area, to show where the Rolous Group is in relation to the main Angkor Wat ( about 15 km away). 

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