Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Big Circle Tour (Angkor Archeological Park)


The Big Circle temples 
map source : google maps

The Big Circle Tour

Temples covered are: Preah Khan, Neak Pean, Ta Som, East Mebon and Pre Rup Temple. (See map). This is a nice tour with all temples unique in their own way.

Preah Khan is a flat straight line- quite different from other temples around.  This is a 12th century temple, This has been left mostly unrestored, which gives it a whole different feel! 

Neak Pean (means Intertwined serpents in Khmer) is in the middle of a lake ( Preah Khan is on the shorter side of this rectangular water body- see map besides. This temple was said to be built for medical purposes, as it was in the lake and the water would balance the elements. 

Ta Som is also a small temple, on the opposite side from Prasat Preah Khan, This is a relatively simple temple, but has now been restored. 

Pre Rup is a temple made for the Khmer King and dedicated to Lord Shiva. The name apparently means : "turn the body" - so it could have been used for funerals, This is also approx. 1,000 years old. 

Photos coming! 

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