Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Pub Street!


The most famous touristy street in the city, Pub Street could be anywhere in any major city in the world. It may be designed with that in mind, to aggregate tourists in one place, easily controllable and a sort of evening show case social spot. A lot of restaurants of all kinds. We landed up at a Greek restaurant called Ella just outside Pub Street twice during our stay, with the others being a lot of non-vegetarian fare.

The street is well lit at night and buzzing and overall felt very safe; but as said, it still wasn’t at its peak. Hopefully in 2023-24 it will be back to its best. That said, the street was clean and well maintained and with a range of cuisines. In terms of creating infrastructure for tourism, it was well done.

Just across from Pub Street is the local market, facing the river that runs right through the city. The usual Knick knacks and tourist stuff; and do remember to bargain. Overall, quite nice, and the people were, at least what we saw, heard, and interacted with, quite friendly.

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